Burned trees release their stored carbon, thus enhancing the greenhouse gasses.Felled trees can no longer assist in removing carbon dioxide from the atmospher.Deforestation is one of the contributing factors to global climate change.There are many negative effects of deforestation on the global level: The main drivers of deforestation Dramatic Effects of Deforestation The following picture shows the main reasons for forest destruction. It is also caused by illegal practices and poor forest management. Other reasons for the high rate of deforestation include:forest fire, fuelwood harvesting, mining, infrastructure construction, and unsustainable logging practices.

Soils managed with this practice produces only for a few years after which farmers move their crop production to new patches of forest. In this method, farmers clear forests by burning them and then in that 'burned' soil grow crops that are fertilized by the ashes. Many small farmers in tropical areas use the cultivation method called 'slash-and-burn farming'.

The lack of arable land together with the growing demand for food have resulted in the clearing forests in order to provide enough land for crops and livestock. There are many reasons why forests are cut down, but the biggest driver of deforestation is farming. The connection between deforestation and global population growth What Are the Main Causes of Forest Destruction? The trajectory of population growth and deforestation is shown in the picture below. The cumulative loss of forest land is followed with the global growth rate of human population. According to the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), deforestation is one of the most widespread and important changes that people have made to the surface of the earth. Although forests still cover 30% of the world's land area, about 7 million hectares of forest are lost each year, which is approximately equal to the size of Panama. There is a common belief that providing food for the global population includes the need for more agricultural land, which leads to deforestation.